Magic Moment
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Magic Moment
While I was hunting through the old photographs I mentioned in my last
post, I started ...
Sonntag, 29. April 2012
Freitag, 27. April 2012
Sad story with happy end ^^
- Where am I? - asked the bear, regaining consciousness and
clumsily looking around.
Alone in such a Big world...
Mittwoch, 25. April 2012
Не бросайте друзей
Кристофа нашли в старом сундуке на чердаке заброшенного дома.
Он одиноко лежал среди забытых фотографий, вырезок старых газет, игрушек и остатков чьей-то памяти. Потрёпанный и изеденный молью мишка изумлённо смотрел во все глаза и протягивал протёртые лапы, чтобы его снова не оставили одного на годы. Его очистили от пыли, грязи и личинок моли. Шкурка даже немного заблестела, как когда-то в молодости. Ему хотели повязать новый красивый бант, но он не отдал свой потрёпанный кусочек шёлка с бубенчиком, как и неумело зашитые заплатки, ведь их когда-то сделала ему Маленькая девочка... как же было её имя? Он забыл, опилки в голове подвели его. Девочка повзрослела, с мишкой еще немного играли её дети и внуки, но кому уже был интересен старый мишка... а потом она ушла и все ушли, Кристофа забыли и за сундуком со старыми воспоминаниями больше никто не вернулся. Старенький и уставший он теперь сидит на тумбочке у другой кровати, но по-прежнему готов отважно защищать сон своей Маленькой девочки, чьё имя он больше не забудет.
Freitag, 20. April 2012
Donnerstag, 19. April 2012
I hate you, Fairyland! :'-((
At last you have made a LittleFee with the face, I really like,
but I have no money at all!!! Oh, cruel world!
but I have no money at all!!! Oh, cruel world!
Donnerstag, 5. April 2012
Chihuahua “Bublik”
Name: Chihuahua “Bublik”
Edition: one of a kind
Size: 35 cm
Size: 35 cm
Used materials: alpaca mohair
Eyes: Bublik has soulful black glass eyes with movable upper and lower eyelids
Nose: realistic epoxy clay nose, it was hand sculpted and painted, then sealed by me
Mouth: an open/close mouth with leather tongue, hand sculpted and carved epoxy clay teeth.
Claws: hand sculpted and carved by me from epoxy clay
Joints: 5-way jointed, lock line inside for realistic posing possibilities, armature inside ears
Paw pads: each paw was needle felted with hardening technique from high-quality wool to give them a more realistic look, then shaded
Filling: polyfil, wool and steel pellets
Used techniques: sewing, felting, sculpting, open-close eyes and jaw
More detail: “Bublik” has moveable upper and lower eyelids, and can be posed awake or deep asleep. He has also open/close mouth; his ears are wired and can be posed whatever you like. He is made to stay on his four legs, lay or sit. Because of all this detailed work, I will never be able to create another dog like Bublik.
Montag, 2. April 2012
Kermode bear “Sherlock”
Name: giant Kermode bear “Sherlock”
Edition: one of a kind
Size: 50 cm
Size: 50 cm
Used materials: mohair Schulte in honey color
Eyes: glass eyes, hand painted by me with movable eyelids
Nose: hand sculpted from epoxy clay and hand painted by me
Claws: hand sculpted and carved by me from epoxy clay
Joints: 6-way jointed (double jointed neck), lock line inside for realistic posing possibilities
Paw pads: leather paw pads
Filling: wool and steel pellets
Used techniques: sewing, felting, open-close eyes
More detail: completely designed and handmade by me, Vero Heck. “Sherlock” has moveable upper eyelids, and can be posed awake or sleeping, therefore he looks so lifelike and beautiful, and has so kind expression.He is made to stay on his four legs or sit.
Adoption: adopted
Polar bear cub "Knut"
Name: polar bear cub “Knut”
Edition: one of a kind
Size sitting: 16 cm
Size sitting: 16 cm
Used materials: extra dense alpaca mohair Schulte
Eyes: taxidermy amber eyes with hand sculpted epoxy eyelids
Details: the cutest nose and claws were carefully hand sculpted and carved by me from epoxy clay
Joints: 6-way jointed (double jointed neck), armature inside for realistic posing possibilities
Paw pads: needle felted with hardening technique from high-quality wool and then shaded
Filling: wool and steel
Used techniques: sewing, felting, sculpting
More detail: completely designed and sewn by me, Vero Heck. He is unique individual and can not be duplicated. Many hours of work have been spent for this baby, therefore he looks so lifelike and beautiful, and has so kind expression =^.^=
Adoption: adopted
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