- Where am I? - asked the bear, regaining consciousness and
clumsily looking around.
Alone in such a Big world...
- the Wall, it is such big and strong, and I am such small and old…
- I will never see, what is behind it, I will stay here forever...
- Alone...!!!
- What is that noise up there...?
= Oh, look, what a dirty! How did you get here? Keeping silent)
= Давайте, давайте возьмём его с собой! Ну и что, что старый, зато он такой единственный!
= Let's take him with us, pleeeease! Doesn´t matter his is old, but it makes him such unique!
- Oh, bears god! Thank you!
= Well then don't lag behind!
And the bear quickly hobbled on his old legs to grasp the given hand and
hold it forever.
Очаровательный медведь! Взгляд покорил!